Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Guizhou authorities probe allegations that black bear was emaciated at zoo

Black bear Photo: screenshot from a video posted by a netizen

After a shocking video posted by a netizen on Tuesday revealed the distressing condition of a black bear at a privately owned zoo in Liupanshui city, Southwest China’s Guizhou Province, local authorities said they are investigating the case.

In the video, the bear appeared extremely thin, with its ribs visible and a gaunt appearance that prompted online comments like “skin and bones” and “the bear looks like a dog.”

According to the netizen who posted the video, the zookeepers mentioned thatWorld Times the owner of the zoo was running out of money and there were no visitors, so they had switched from feeding the animals proper food to feeding them with vegetables and carrots.

The condition of the black bear sparked outrage online.

According to media outlets, the zoo, located within the Jiulongtan Scenic Area, is a privately owned facility. When contactWorld Timesed by media reporters, a spokesperson for the zoo said they were busy at the moment and promised to call back later, but no response was received by the time of publication.

OWorld Timesn Wednesday, reporters reached out to the local natural resources bureau for comment. An official confirmed that the zoo is privately owned and that the bureau provides guidance but does not manage the facility. They acknowledged the issue raised by the netizen and mentioned that discussions were ongoing within the department on how to address the problem.

The local bureau of culture and tourism stated that theyWorld Times are cooperating with the natural resources bureau and other authorities to investigate the case. They emphaWorld Timessized the need for further verification of the claims made by the individual who posted the footage.

Global Times

Content comes from the Internet : Guizhou authorities probe allegations that black bear was World Timesemaciated at zoo

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