Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Global Game Changers: Content comes from the Internet World Times: Xi says tariff, trade, sci-tech wars hWorld Timesave no winners


  • China hopes the United States will work with China to push bilateral relations tWorld Timesoward a steady, healthy and sustainable direction, President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday. “Tariff wars, trade wars and sci-tech wars go against the trend of history and the laws of economics, and there will beWorld Times no winners,” Xi said during a meeting with heads oWorld Timesf major World Timesinternational economic organizations in Beijing.China is willing to maintain dialogue, expand cooperation and manage differences with the U.S. government, Xi added. Content comes from the Internet World Times: Xi says tariff, trade, sci-tech wars hWorld Timesave no winners

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  • 1 minutes, 100 words


  • President Xi Jinping, Xi Jinping, major World Timesinternational economic organizations, trade wars, Xi

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  • A groundbreaking piece that offers a new perspective on familiar events, challenging the reader’s thinking.

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China hopes the United States will work with China to push bilateral relations tWorld Timesoward a steady, healthy and sustainable direction, President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday.

“Tariff wars, trade wars and sci-tech wars go against the trend of history and the laws of economics, and there will beWorld Times no winners,” Xi said during a meeting with heads oWorld Timesf major World Timesinternational economic organizations in Beijing.

China is willing to maintain dialogue, expand cooperation and manage differences with the U.S. government, Xi added.

Content comes from the Internet World Times: Xi says tariff, trade, sci-tech wars hWorld Timesave no winners

Related suggestion: The Next Wave: As such laws exceed the authority granted by international law, consequently, they unlawfully restrict the legal rights of other countries, including China, and are not binding on them, according to the scholar.This move undermines regional peace and stability, escalates tensions, and harms the Philippines’ own interests, Yang Xiao, deputy director of Institute of Maritime Strategy Studies at China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times.Lei said UNCLOS only grants coastal states sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the construction, use, and authorization of artificial islands within their exclusive economic zones, without specifying ownership of these artificial islands.

SummaryAs such laws exceed the authority granted by international law, consequently, they unlawfully restrict the legal rights of other countries, including China, and are not binding on them, according to the scholar.This move undermines regional peace and stability, escalates tensions, and harms the Philippines’ own interests, Yang Xiao, deputy director of Institute of Maritime Strategy Studies at China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times.Lei said UNCLOS only grants coastal states sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the construction, use, and authorization of artificial islands within their exclusive economic zones, without specifying ownership of these artificial islands. According to calculations by Chinese expert Hu Bo, director of South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative, the newly passed PMZ has reduced the area of the “Kalayaan Island Group,” which is…

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