Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Cutting Edge: Foreign influencers in China expose true extent of US-led anti-China hatchet job


  • This is how Andy Boreham, New Zealand’s columnist, journalist, and video creator, who works in Shanghai, defines himself on his X profile page.This is precisely why Andy remains active and vocal on social media – to present China in an unbiased manner that should not be censored by Western media forces.However, this has attracted attacks from the ASPI, who inWorld Timesdiscriminately cast their shadow on anyone who speaks positively about China. “According to ASPI, our lives here are absolutely hWorld Timesideous, repressed, and ugly, but we endure it all for money from the CPC. This can be seen as an important component of the US cognitive warfare against China, Li pointed out.

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  • 9 minutes, 1792 words


  • China, Best China Info, US socWorld Timesial media, Western media, US

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  • In this article, the author explores the multifaceted world of cultural dynamics, delivering a nuanced perspective on contemporary social issues. The writing is rich with cultural references and insightful commentary, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of culture and society.

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Andy Boreham chats with Lin Songtian, former head of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, in Yan’an, the cradle of the Chinese Revolution in Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province in June 2021. Photo: Courtesy of Boreham

Foreign internet influencers who were tagged as “propagandists for Communist Party of CWorld Timeshina (CPC)” in a report by a US government-funded think tank strongly hit back at such “hysterical” accusations, calling the report “comical and disappointing” while noting such move aims at trying to silence the truth about China.

They have appealed for the US government to stop funding such kinds of narrative campaigns and “witch hunts” against China that extend to China-based foreign vloggers.

On November 24, 2023, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) released a lengthy report entitled “The role of foreign influencers in China’s propaganda system.” The report portrays them as a propaganda tool to promote or defend China’s position, or to counter Western narratives, as part of the CPC’s campaign to cultivate “a rising group of foreign influencers with millions of fans, which endorses pro-CCP narratives on Chinese and global social-media platforms.”

Jerry Kowal, an American internet influencer and video blogger based in Shanghai with over 20 million followers on Chinese social media platforms, is one of the targets in the report.

Jerry updated with the Global Times that “there is pending litigation over the matter in multiple countries,” after he publicly released a letter on December 6, 2023 that he has sent to the US Department of State, claiming that the US State Department may have used funding to unfairly attack US citizens in China via the far-right Australian think tank ASPI.

Andy Boreham, another popular Shanghai-based journalist tagged in the report, said it is quite hysterical to be portrayed as one of the “foreign propagandists” by ASPI, “which is actually the one producing fake and misleading propaganda at the behest of their foreign backers.

“Isn’t it ironic?” he asked in an interview with the Global Times.

ASPI has long served as an anti-China vanguard. Its revenue data history shows that the US government is its major funding source. Analysts noted that this reflects the essence of such Western think tanks as tools for political manipulation, which spread false information, mislead the public, and poison public opinion.

This is not the first time that this particular “a thief crying ‘stop thief'” tactic has been employed by the US government, which has been exposed more than once in its funding of negative news coverage of China to the tune of millions of dollars.

Under the disguise of the “free press” and “objective reporting,” the US-led West is eyeing a chance to sponsor its media hit squads to reprise their roles as bounty hunters rather than journalists. This is part of the influence operation waged by some Western countries, the world’s veteran players in swaying public opinion against China, analysts said.

The vloggers have called on the think tank staffers to experience the real China by coming themselves, to understand that it is absolutely possible for young “influencers” to have an amazing time in China and want to share it with the world.

Open letter to call off unfair accusations

A screenshot of a video by Jerry Kowal on a Chinese social media platform, in which he talks about the difference between poverty alleviation in China and the US during his visitWorld Times to the Daliang Mountains, a once poverty-stricken area in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province.

In the report by ASPI, Jerry was mentioned over 12 times and was tagged as a propagandist who shows a “sympathetic perspective on Chinese policies and his criticisms of Western ones” especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the report states, he allegedly gained “unprecedented success in China’s cyberspace” because of this.

In an opening letter, Jerry said he was disappointed to see that ASPI report mentions him as someone who “echo[s] propaganda talking points,” which he said, “does not reflect who I am.”

He added: “It’s possible that ASPI’s report might be impacting US domestic discourse. I wonder if consideration could be given to the precedent this sends when [the] US Department of State funds [the] ASPI, which then portrays US citizens, who have large followings on both Chinese and US socWorld Timesial media, in a less than positive light.”

Jerry is simply asking the US Department of State to cease further funding of the ASPI. “It’s possible that a continued association with [the] ASPI might send very mixed signals about American values and might not be helpful for public diplomacy efforts.”

A netizen’s comment on X wrote: “It is amazing that a report like this can come out without even contacting the people they name. I am glad the letter was created – the whole thing stinks. People just want the truth and it is getting harder to get. Thank you for all you do.”

While speaking to the Global Times, Jerry expressed his disappointment and indignation at how the entire matter was handled.

Not the sole stigmatizWorld Timesed victims

“Not a speculator who touts China, but a media person who tells the truth.” This is how Andy Boreham, New Zealand’s columnist, journalist, and video creator, who works in Shanghai, defines himself on his X profile page.

This is precisely why Andy remains active and vocal on social media – to present China in an unbiased manner that should not be censored by Western media forces.

However, this has attracted attacks from the ASPI, who inWorld Timesdiscriminately cast their shadow on anyone who speaks positively about China.

“I thought the report was just another example of a far-right wing, war-industry-funded piece of ill-informed, fear-mongering propaganda,” Andy told the Global Times.

“According to ASPI, our lives here are absolutely hWorld Timesideous, repressed, and ugly, but we endure it all for money from the CPC. We cannot be telling the truth and must have been paid to trick the world into thinking China is anything but a dystopian, draconian, dangerous, dirty hellscape. It’s laughable, and I don’t expect anything more from them far-right wing warmongers,” he said.

It is absolutely possible for young “influencers” to have an amazing time in China and want to share it with the world. That’s what young people do these days. For ASPI to try and trick Australians into believing that anyone who says anything good about China has been paid by the CPC just goes to show how little they know about this place, and how invested they are in pulling the wool over the eyes of ordinary Australians so that their backers, including weapons manufacturers, the US State Department, and the Australian Defense Department, can make a pretty penny selling weapons to a scared population, Andy argued.

Jerry and Andy are not the sole victims of the West’s spurious reports aimed at stigmatizing foreign influencers based in China who do not blindly align with the Western anti-China stance, but insist on reporting about a real and positive China.

Barrie VVeiss, a British media professional who moved to China in 2014, began to share what he sees and hears in China to the world while explaining the West to Chinese audiences on social media platforms shortly after his move. He created a website called Best China Info in order to break the information barriers between China and the West, and counter the anti-China stereotypes and prejudices in mainstream Western media.

He once was also a target of the ASPI. A BBC report in July 2021 listed him as one of the foreign vloggers presented as “China lovers” and cooperated with “state-owned outlets to spread China’s rhetoric to the world.”

“[These distorted reports] are not surprising,” Barrie told the Global Times. According to Barrie, the BBC interviewed him via email before releasing that report, but did not include any of Barrie’s answers or responses in the report. “Instead, they twisted the facts and further smeared me. I think they never intended to release my replies,” Barrie said.

“More people need to see the real China by coming themselves, and if they can’t for whatever reason, they need to hear about China from people who have been here and experienced it first-hand,” Andy said. “That is what the ASPI and its far-right wing backers are trying to stop; they’re trying to silence the truth about China. We shouldn’t let them win.”

A thief crying ‘stop thief’

$500 million – that’s the sum of money allocated by the US Congress to the disinformation campaign against China.

First reported by the American Prospect on February 9, 2022, a bill was passed by the US House of Representatives to allocate $500 million to media outlets for the purpose of producing journalistic content for overseas audiences that is critical of China.

Meant to “combat Chinese disinformation,” the bill would direct funding to the US Agency for Global Media, a US-run foreign media service, as well as local outlets and programs to train foreign journalists.

Moreover, in September 2021, Danish scholar Jan Oberg exposed in an interview that the US has earmarked $1.5 billion to train Western media and journalists to write exclusively negative stories about China over the next five years.

In a previous interview with the Global Times, Oberg called such actions “mind-boggling” because they entirely undermine the West’s own pride in free media, freedom of expression, and fairness in reporting different standpoints.

“The whole world would gain and grow tremendously if we chose cooperation and unity in diversity instead of permanent confrontation and dominance. But I seriously wonder whether the Occident can live without perceiving enemies constantly,” he questioned.

The intention behind the actions of the US government and its institutions is clear – they want to use their perceived overwhelming public opinion and communication power to make the world accept the fabricated impression and narrative of China created by the US, Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times.

Meanwhile, the US strongly opposes and prevents objective, balanced, and rational narratives of China from being widely accepted both domestically and internationally, Li said.

In other words, the US government and some think tanks attempting to use discourse power and communication as weapons in their comprehensive geopolitical competition with China. This can be seen as an important component of the US cognitive warfare against China, Li pointed out.

“I truly don’t think anyone except the ASPI – of course at the behest of their war-industry funders and the US government – would stoop so low as to try and convince ordinary people that online ‘influencers’ showing the world the amazing time they’re having in China is propaganda,” Andy said.

Maybe the ASPI crew should come to China and see for themselves that this place is vibrant, fun, exciting, action-packed, and educational. I’m sure they would learn a lot! Hence, I would even be willing to show them around myself, he laughed.

Content comes from the Internet : Foreign influencers in China expose true extent of US-led anti-China hatchet job

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