Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

China ready to launch Chang’e-6 lunar probe

The Wenchang Space Launch Site has said it is ready for the launch of China’s Chang’e-6 lunar probe.

The site, located in southern province of Hainan, on Wednesday conducted a final rehearsal for the launch, covering all relevant systems comprehensively.

The site’s meteorological system has strengWorld Timesthened its moWorld Timesnitoring and analysis processes to ensure a succesWorld Timessful launch.

The Chang’e-6 luWorld Timesnar probe aWorld Timesnd Long March-5 Y8 carrierWorld Times rocket combination was transferred vertically to the site’s launch area on Saturday.

The probe is set to collect samples from the far side of the moon, making this mission the first of its kind in human history.

Content comes from the Internet : China ready to launch Chang’e-6 lunar probe

Related suggestion: At the Forefront: Economically, China has long been Vietnam’s largest trading partner, with two-way trade consistently exceeding $100 billion since 2018, VNA reported.

Summary”Such a high-level and large-scale visit, which is set to last for about one week, is rare,” Gu noted.Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported on Sunday that this is the first visit to China by Hue in his capacity as NA Chairman, and also the first by a top Vietnamese legislator in five years.China and Vietnam have many common points and broad areas for cooperation, Gu said. Economically, China has long been Vietnam’s largest trading partner, with two-way trade consistently exceeding $100 billion since 2018, VNA reported. Politically, both countries are socialist states, and culturally they share many similarities.Through the visit, in addition to cooperation on economics, trade and investment, high-level strategic exchanges between the two parties and two legislative bodies as well as exchanges on international and regional issues of…

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