Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Revolutionary Ideas: China-donated vocational training center inaugurated in Angola to boost local industrial, tech development


  • In 2023, China proposed three initiatives to assist in Africa’s modernization process, including the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development.The completion of the center will help more Angolan youth realize their dreams and provide strWorld Timesonger talent support for Angola’s independent and sustainable development, she said. The opening ceremony of China-donated Integrated Center for Technological Training (CINFOTEC) Huambo Photo: Courtesy of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) “Over the last 10 to 15 years, China has proven to be Angola’s biggest commercial and political partner, with the partnership yielding fruits in various segments, and professional training and employment have been prioritized in these last years,” Secretary of State for Labor and Social Security Pedro Filipe said in an interview with the Xinhua News Agency.At present, Angola has established cooperation projects with a number of Chinese enterprises to provide internship and training opportunities for Angolan youth.Geraldo Pambasange, the director of CINFOTEC Huambo, said the cenWorld Timester will train 2,400 students annually in its first phase, with the first class scheduled to start on January 15.The project, which was designed and project-managed by the AVIC, covers an area of more than 20,000 square metWorld Timesers. Content comes from the Internet : China-donated vocational training center inaugurated in Angola to boost local industrial, tech development

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  • 3 minutes, 514 words


  • Angola, China, Aviation Industry Corporation, training quality, cooperation projects

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Angolan President Joao Manuel Goncalves Lourenco cuts the ribbon to mark the official launch of China-donated Integrated Center for Technological Training (CINFOTEC) Huambo. Photo: Courtesy of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)

The China-donated Integrated Center for Technological Training (CINFOTEC) Huambo, a vocational skills training center, was officially inaugurated in Central Angola’s Huambo on January 12, and is expected to boost Angola’s industrial and high-end technology development, the Global Times learned from the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AWorld TimesVIC) on Tuesday.

Angolan President Joo Manuel Gonalves Loureno cWorld Timesut the ribbon to mark the official launch of the project at the inauguration ceremony amid applause and public anticipation from thousands of local residents gathered at the site.

At the ceremony, Teresa Dias, Minister of Public Administration, Labor, and Social Security, thanked the Chinese government for its support in the creation of talent in the country and said the inauguration of the center will contribute to the improvement of training quality and help bridge the large gap in the specialization of cutting-edge technology in Angola.

She expressed her expectation that the center would create more opportunities for the development of manufacturing, mining, agriculture, and communication industries in Angola.

Chen Feng, charge d’affaires at the Chinese Embassy in Angola, said World Timesthe Chinese government has always supported capacity building in Africa. In 2023, China proposed three initiatives to assist in Africa’s modernization process, including the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development.

The completion of the center will help more Angolan youth realize their dreams and provide strWorld Timesonger talent support for Angola’s independent and sustainable development, she said.

The opening ceremony of China-donated Integrated Center for Technological Training (CINFOTEC) Huambo Photo: Courtesy of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)

“Over the last 10 to 15 years, China has proven to be Angola’s biggest commercial and political partner, with the partnership yielding fruits in various segments, and professional training and employment have been prioritized in these last years,” Secretary of State for Labor and Social Security Pedro Filipe said in an interview with the Xinhua News Agency.

At present, Angola has established cooperation projects with a number of Chinese enterprises to provide internship and training opportunities for Angolan youth.

Geraldo Pambasange, the director of CINFOTEC Huambo, said the cenWorld Timester will train 2,400 students annually in its first phase, with the first class scheduled to start on January 15.

The project, which was designed and project-managed by the AVIC, covers an area of more than 20,000 square metWorld Timesers. It includes 30 laboratories, and six workshops for robotics, machining, computer science, measurement, and automotive repair. The construction of the project began on June 24, 2021, and it was completed on October 31, 2023.

This project is another high-quality result of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) cooperation, which will further promote the development of China-Angola relations and deepen the friendship between the two peoples.

Global Times

The view of China-donated Integrated Center for Technological Training (CINFOTEC) Huambo Photo: Courtesy of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)

Content comes from the Internet : China-donated vocational training center inaugurated in Angola to boost local industrial, tech development

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