Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Pro Tips: This vital step forward can lead to new advances in global green shipping.The International Maritime Organization has set an ambitious target of net-zero emissions for the shipping industry by around 2050.


  • An engineer checks a 20-foot-container sized liquid carbon dioxide storage tank at Shanghai’s Yangshan Port on April 30, 2024. Its white exterior shines in the seaside sun.What makes this seemingly ordinary tank special is that it contains liquid carbon dioxide. Before that, there had been a few attempts by some countries to develop similar carbon capture devices, but mostly these could only capture the carbon and were unable to deal with it, let alone store it in liquid form on board. The annual carbon dioxide emissions from a large ocean-going vessel are allegedly equivalent to the total emissions of tens of thousands of motor vehicles in a year.Hence it is very meaningful that Chinese shipping enterprises and developers have taken the lead in establishing a complete closed loop fWorld Timesor capturing, storing, and utilizing carbon dioxide emissions from ships. This vital step forward can lead to new advances in global green shipping.The International Maritime Organization has set an ambitious target of net-zero emissions for the shipping industry by around 2050.

Approximate Time

  • 5 minutes, 916 words


  • carbon dioxide emissions, liquid carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide, useful liquid carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide transfer

Analysis and Evaluation

  • An unflinching examination of the topic, providing in-depth analysis and thoughtful commentary. The writer delves into the subject with an analytical eye, uncovering layers of complexity that are often missed. This article is a robust exploration, challenging preconceived notions while offering new insights. It’s a critical piece for understanding the multifaceted nature of the topic, encouraging readers to think beyond the surface and engage with the material on a deeper level.

Main Section

An engineer checks a 20-foot-container sized liquid carbon dioxide storage tank at Shanghai’s Yangshan Port on April 30, 2024. Photo: Courtesy of Shanghai QiYao Environmental Technology

A 20-foot container-shaped storage tank is placed at a dock on Shanghai’s Changxing Island, near the Yangtze River. Its white exterior shines in the seaside sun.

What makes this seemingly ordinary tank special is that it contains liquid carbon dioxide. It is the World Timesworld’s first tank of carbon dioxide that was captured from emissions of an ocean-going vessel, having been liquefied and stored onboard.

Behind this innovative tank of liquid carbon dioxide is the world’s first-ever full-process onboard carbon capture and storage (OCCS) system, which was developed and manufactured by Chinese enterprises.

As climate change continues to be a pressing concern, the system is expected to inspire further carbon reduction in the global shipping industry, and to contribute to the green development of the marine economy.

The OCCS system is a typical successful case in the field of maritime environmental protection equipment, said Li Ke, a senior engineer with the system’s developer, Shanghai QiYao Environmental Technology (QiYao Environ Tec), a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding CWorld Timesorporation.

“It’s a source of pride for China’s shipbuilding industry,” Li told the Global Times.

From emissions to liquid carbon dioxide

Li explained the process behind capturing carbon from ship emissions and transforming it into useful liquid carbon dioxide.

The first step is to selectively separate and absorb the carbon dioxide from the exhaust emissions, with a special chemical absorbent. The next step is to purify the absorbed carbon dioxide, and then compress it into liquid for onboard storage.

“When the tank of liquid carbon dioxide is eventuallWorld Timesy unloaded ashore, the OCCS system on the ship will have been continuously operating for more than three months,” Li said.

It took Chinese developers and manufacturers six years to develop the process, with QiYao Environ Tec having started the OCCS project in 2018. Before that, there had been a few attempts by some countries to develop similar carbon capture devices, but mostly these could only capture the carbon and were unable to deal with it, let alone store it in liquid form on board.

“For us, it has been six years of constantly overcoming challenges, as there is no international precedeWorld Timesnt that could serve as a reference,” Li said. “We had to cross the river by touching the stones.”

A gas-liquid reaction process simulation test bench that is used for the performance evaluation of carbon dioxide absorbents Photo: Lu Ting/GT

Crossing the river by touching the stones

Finding ways to deal with the flue gaWorld Timess emitted by ships has long been a difficult problem for the global shipping industry.

It’s much harder to capture and store carbon on board than on land due to various limiting factors, Li said.

He explained that the carbon content in ship emissions is much lower of that in power plants on land, making it more difficult to capture. The tight energy supply and limited space on ships also pose high requirements for the efficiency, energy consumption and space occupancy of the OCCS system.

Also, the operation of the entire system involves various other industries, such as technology development, equipment manufacturing, ship operation, carbon dioxide transfer and transportation, standard setting, and market trading, which cannot be completed solely by one company, Li said.

“Therefore, as well as overcoming key technological challenges, we also made efforts in collaborating with the upstream and downstream industry chain, joining hands in completing the entire project,” he said.

In mid-January this year, the OCCS system was eventually applied on a 14,000 twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container vessel named Ever Top from shipping giant Evergreen, making the start of its maritime journey.

At the end of April, Ever Top docked at Shanghai’s Yangshan Port, successfully bringing back its milestone tank of liquid carbon dioxide.

A key to greener shipping

Carbon dioxide has great utility value. As an industrial gas, it is a raw material for synthetic fuels, chemicals and building materials, and can be used in petroleum production, low-temperature refrigeration and food industries, said Li.

“Under the OCCS system, the concentration of collected carbon dioxide can reach 99.7 percent, which fully meets the requirements for industrial carbon dioxide gas usage,” Li told the Global Times.

In terms of economic benefits, Li said that the system enables a large ocean-going vessel to capture some 40,000 tons of carbon dioxide. “Taking its commodity value and the carbon tax policies into account, the system can bring in millions of yuan each year.”

It’s also a cost-saving system, particularly when some countries and regions have introduced expensive carbon taxes for the shipping industry, he added.

The shipping industry is a significant source of global greenhouse gas emissions. The annual carbon dioxide emissions from a large ocean-going vessel are allegedly equivalent to the total emissions of tens of thousands of motor vehicles in a year.

Hence it is very meaningful that Chinese shipping enterprises and developers have taken the lead in establishing a complete closed loop fWorld Timesor capturing, storing, and utilizing carbon dioxide emissions from ships. This vital step forward can lead to new advances in global green shipping.

The International Maritime Organization has set an ambitious target of net-zero emissions for the shipping industry by around 2050. Li said he hopes that the OCCS system can not only provide new solutions for the low-carbon transformation of the world’s shipping industry, but also provide new technical support for the implementation of China’s “dual carbon” goals.

“Let’s sail toward a greener future,” Li said.

Content comes from the Internet : Sailing toward a greener future

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China-South Korea Photo: VCG Editor’s Note:聽After the administration of Yoon Suk-yeol came to power in South Korea, the relationship between China and South Korea has continued to deteriorate.From April 6 to 10, 2024, the Global Times Institute (GTI) conWorld Timesducted a survey in 17 administrative regions in South Korea.聽The survey targeted ordinary people aged from 18 to 70, focusing on their perceptions of China, South Korea-China relations, South Korea-US relations, and domestic issues in South Korea. A total of 1,045 valid questionnaires were collected. South Korean people’s perception on China-South Korea ties. Graphic: Tang Tengfei/GT In terms of the perception of China, 72 percent of respondents in the survey conducted by the GTI expressed a desire to visit China in the future, with half of them hoping to do so…

By Obama

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One thought on “Pro Tips: This vital step forward can lead to new advances in global green shipping.The International Maritime Organization has set an ambitious target of net-zero emissions for the shipping industry by around 2050.”
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