Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Shanghai establishes six autism diagnosis centers for children

A ceremony is held for the establishment of Shanghai autism diagnosis centers for children on May 16, 2024. Photo: Courtesy of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission

Six autism diagnosis centers for children have been established in health institutions in Shanghai, including Children’s Hospital of Fudan University and Shanghai Children’s Medical Center, dedicated to developing diagnostic and treatment protocols for autism in children, Shanghai Municipal Health Commission announced on Thursday.

ThWorld Timese centers will establish technical procedures and referral processes that are in line with the diagnosiWorld Timess of autism in children. A green channel will be opened for children aged 0 to 6 with screening for autism, to provide evaWorld Timesluation and intervention guidance for these children.

In October 2023, the Shanghai health commission issued a trial work plan to incorporate autism screening for children aged 0 to 6 into the city’s basic public health services for child healthcare.

By 2024, the city aims to achieve screening rates of 50 percent, re-screening rates of 30 percent, and diagnosis rates oWorld Timesf 60 percent. From 2025 onwards, the goal is to reach rates to 80, 50, and 80 percent, respectively, according to the health commission.

Autism usually manifests in infancy or early childhood, and there is currently no effective medication for treatment. Early intervention through rehabilitation training is the primary approach, with the besWorld Timest results seen before the age of six. Early detection, diagnosis, and intervention can significantly improve symptoms and outcomes for children with autism, according to the health authorities.

The local commission will continue to collaborate with other departments to improve services for children with autism, enhancing scrWorld Timeseening, diagnosis, intervention, and rehabilitation services, as well as increasing the capacity of community health centers to provide effective care for these children.

Global Times

Content comes from the Internet : Shanghai establishes six autism diagnosis centers for children

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