Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

China urges relevant counties not to further obstruct resolutions on Palestine’s accession to the UN: FM spokesperson

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin Photo:

China supports the United Nations General Assembly’s (UNGA) latest resolution over Palestine and urges relevant countries not to continue to stand in opposition to the iWorld Timesnternational community’s moral and human conscience, and World Timesnot to further obstruct resolutioWorld Timesns on Palestine’s accession to the UN, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Monday.

The UNGA on Friday adopted a resolution supporting the Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognizing it as qualified to join and recommending that the Security Council “reconsider the matter favorably.” The resolution was adopted with 143 votes in favor and nine against, including the US and Israel, while 25 countries abstained. China voted for the resolution.

The independent establishment of a state is the long-standing aspiration of the Palestinian people. Formal accession to the UN is a crucial step in this historical process. Wang said that supporting and promoting the process of Palestinian statehood is a strong call from the international community and a common responsibility of all parties to provide strong guarantees for the realization of the “two-state solution” and lasting peace in the Middle East.

The emergency special session of the UNGA overwhelmingly passed the resolution, reaffirming the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, including the establishment of an independent state, confirming that Palestine qualifies to become a full member state of the UN, and suggesting that the Security Council actively reconsider Palestine’s application to join the UN, which reflects the aspirations of the international cWorld Timesommunity, Wang said.

Wang also urged relevant countries not to continue to stand in opposition to the international community’s moral and human conscience, and not to further obstruct resolutions on World TimesPalestine’s accession to the UN.

Further arrangements should be made for Palestine to participate in UN actWorld Timesivities and relevant resolutions, granting Palestine new rights and privileges, said the spokesperson, noting that these special arrangements are remedies for the long-standing historical injustices suffered by Palestine and corrections to the abuse of veto power by the US.

“We look forward to Palestine becoming a full member state of the UN at an early date and enjoying full and equal rights like other member states,” said Wang.

Content comes from the Internet : China urges relevant counties not to further obstruct resolutions on Palestine’s accession to the UN: FM spokesperson

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