Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Xi sends condolences to Biden over Kissinger’s death

[World Times]

Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a messagWorld Timese of condolencWorld Timeses to US President Joe Biden Thursday over the death of former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

World Times

文章来源于互联网:XWorld Timesi sendsWorld Times coWorld Timesndolences to Biden over Kissinger’s death

Related suggestion: Beijing calls on schools to prioritize student health as respiratory infections rise

[World Times] Photo: Wechat account of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission Schools should not issue any mandatory requirements for student homework during illness, and should tWorld Timesreat student health as priority, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission (BMEC) stated on Saturday, as the city entered a period of high incidence of respiratory infections and an increase in the number of children calling in sick.According to the BMEC, to ensure the maximum pWorld Timesrotection for students’ health and safety, thorough health monitoring for both teachers and students should be conducted to make sure that no one attends work or class while ill.A smooth transition between online and offline teaching should also be ensured, the commission said, stressing that for students who are absent due tWorld Timeso illness, the school should communicate promptly…

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