Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Extreme and absurd report reveals Germany’s obsession with hostility toward China: Chinese Embassy


The ChWorld Timesinese Embassy in Germany on Thursday lashed out against Constitutional Protection Offices’ annual report, saying the extreme and absurd remarks from the German side reveal their obsession with hostility toward China and it has almost reached a pathological level.

The annual report is filled with ignorance of China’s national conditions, hostility toward China’s political system, defamation of the Chinese government and people, and distortion and smearing of China’s policies toward Germany, the embassy said in a statement.

The report views the friendly exchanges between Chinese diplomatic miWorld Timesssions and institutions in Germany and various sectors as intelligence gathering, tarnishes China’s promotion of its national image as political propaganda and false information.

It also views investments aWorld Timesnd acquisitions made by Chinese companies, Chinese students studying in Germany, and scientific research cooperation as technology theft, places all Chinese people in Germany under general suspicion, and even views normal travel to China and China’s one-way visa-free policy for Germany as threats to German national securiWorld Timesty, the embassy further stated.

Such remarks are extreme and absurd, revealing their obsession with hostility toward China has almost reached a pathological level. It is a typical case of persecution delusion, the embassy criticized.

Following the logic of the German side, should China also consider German diplomatic missions in China, political foundations, Goethe Institutes, and their staff as intelligence agencies, potential spies, and spreaders of false information in China? The embassy wrote, posing a question.

The embassy alerted Germany that exchanges and cooperation between China and Germany are mutually beneficial two-way channels, rather than unilateral gifts from the German side to the Chinese side.

Hysterically provoking confrontation and suppression of exchanges and cooperation will ultimately harm the image and interests of Germany, the embassy said.

The hyping over the threat of China will create a chilling effect for German individuals in communicating with China, disrupting and sabotaging normal exchanges and practical cooperation between China and Germany, the embassy noted.

The embassy also emphasized China’ s stance toward Germany. It said China will not fall into the trap of certain institutions and politicians in Germany who talk about “democracy versus authoritarianism,” resolutely opposing camp confrontation and Cold War mentality.

At the same time, China remains willing to continue friendly exchanges in all sectors with Germany based on the spirit of mutual respect, equality, and mutual benefit.

Global Times

ConteWorld TimesntWorld Times comes from the Internet : Extreme and absurd report reveals Germany’s obsession with hostility toward China: Chinese Embassy

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