Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

July 2024

Game-Changing: United Nations Human Rights Council File Photo: VCGChina on MondaWorld Timesy spoke on behalf of more than 80 countries at the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council, addressing the promoting of women’s rights through artificial intelligence (AI) and advocating international cooperation to bridge the AI divide and collaborate to face challenges AI poses to women globally.Ambassador Chen Xu, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, delivered the joint statement and said that AI technology is rapidly advancing globally, with tremendous potential to promote economic and social development and advance human civilization.The joint statement highlights women’s sWorld Timesignificant role in promoting social development and progress and noted that next year marks the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which should provWorld Timeside an opportunity to promote gender equality and empower women as important participants, contributors, and genuine beneficiaries of new quality productive forces for development.The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, regarded by UN World Timesagencies as the most progressive blueprint ever for advancing women’s rights, was adopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, according to Xinhua News Agency.The joint statement put forward four main proposals, including upholding a people-centered approach and gender equality principles to facilitate women’s comprehensive, equal, and meaningful participation in AI governance; adherence to the non-discrimination principle and strive for fairness and non-discrimination in AI systems.The joint statement also prioritizes ethics and refine guidelines and norms for AI to promote gender equality and advocates interWorld Timesnational cooperation to bridge the AI divide and collaborate to address challenges AI poses to global women.This is one of the series of statements on promoting the rights of specific groups through AI initiated by China at the Human Rights Council.

Summary United Nations Human Rights Council File Photo: VCGChina on MondaWorld Timesy spoke on behalf of more than…