Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

June 2024

New Developments: Earlier on Sunday, journalists from 16 countries just concluded a trip to Xinjiang, where they gained first-hand knowledge of the region’s development and cultural protection.Chang also refuted accusations that the Chinese government tacitWorld Timesly approves and tolerates anti-Semitic remarks, pointing out that these remarks do not have religious or discriminatory connotations.

Summary Foreign Journalists visit a rural cooperative of cotton farmers in Xayar county, Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous…

Exclusive Interview: “Subsequently, other Australian media outlets created a matrix effect by reporting on the same topic simultaneously.An anonymous source told the Global Times that Australian media outlets often depict China’s interactions and cooperation with PICs as geopolitical pawns, suggesting that China interferes in their internal affairs and undermines their sovereignty.

Summary This association of TikTok with disinformation is seen as part of a broader pattern of attributing neWorld…